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Genesurance Counseling: Genetic Counselors’ Roles and Responsibilities in Regards to Genetic Insurance and Financial Topics

While traditional components of genetic counseling sessions are well recognized, less is known about insurance and
financial discussions. This study sought to examine Bgenesurance counseling^ which we defined as: that portion of a genetic
counseling session, whether intentional or non-intentional, that is devoted to the topic of costs and insurance/third party coverage
(particularly for genetic testing). Our objective was to assess genetic counselors’ practices and perspective related to genesurance
counseling. A survey link was sent by e-mail to members of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (approximately 3100 NSGC
members). A total of 571 genetic counselors participated in the survey of which 550 identified as clinical genetic counselors. Survey
data were used to investigate differences between specialties, impact on patient rapport, changes in practice dynamics, and devotion of
clinic time. Overwhelmingly, 99% of participants acknowledged conducting genesurance counseling, 87% believed it to be part of
their job description, and 85% viewed it as an important aspect of genetic counseling. On average, respondents estimated they devoted
10% of their session, or 6 min, to genesurance counseling. Of the surveyed participants, 95% reported genesurance counseling as
having some form of influence in a patient’s decision regarding genetic testing, and 74% stated that genesurance counseling concerns
change the practice and dynamic of their clinic. BGenesurance counseling^ is not a topic which has been studied to date. Our study
highlights the changes in genetic counselors’ roles and responsibilities regarding insurance and financial counseling.

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