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How easy and confident do patients feel about using an iPad to complete the Patient Concerns Inventory without assistance in a busy head and neck ncology outpatient review clinic

Introduction This project aims to evaluate the ease and confidence of patients when using an iPad to complete an item prompt list (Patient Concerns Inventory) in a busy oncology outpatient clinic. Patients and methods 100 consecutive patients attending routine maxillofacial oncology review clinic completed a study specific 5 item self-report questionnaire after com- pletion of the PCI. Results Of eligible patients attending 14 clinics from
March 2016 onwards, one-third (31) preferred to complete the PCI on an iPad with a volunteer in a separate room, while two-thirds (69) preferred to complete the PCI by themselves on an iPad in the waiting room. Previous use of an iPad and patient age ([70) were factors indicating lower
confidence and a preference towards needing help in a separate room. Although the majority of patients were able to complete the PCI in the waiting room themselves there is a proportion who for a variety of reasons would prefer to have assistance. Conclusion This study helps to inform resource allocation
(assistance and clinic area) when adopt the PCI across the whole oncology outpatient setting. Further research is needed to identify cost efficient ways to promote the self- completion of the PCI in those patients less confident

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