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How Do Teachers Learn Through Engaging in School-Based Teacher Learning Activities? Applying a Knowledge Conversion Perspective

School-based teacher learning activities constitute
a bottom-up approach to knowledge development
which encourages teachers to search for good practices
based on individual and collective efforts. In China,
engaging in these learning programmes has been institutionalized
as a daily practice of teachers. This qualitative
study uses the concept of ‘knowledge conversion’ as an
analytical lens to examine how 35 teachers from three
schools in Shanghai develop their knowledge derived from
participating in these learning activities. Results show that
teachers in China use socialization (tacit knowledge
acquired through individual interactions) and externalization
(theorizing individual tacit knowledge) to develop
sympathized and conceptual knowledge, respectively.
However, successful internalization of this knowledge to
the point of becoming operationally systematised is rare.
Knowledge development in schools seems to involve
knowledge adaptation and transfer rather than creation.
Most of the teacher-participants apply an ‘exploitative’
learning approach which reinforces and refines existing
practices and values in their professional development.
However, reprofessionalization of teachers takes place
through participating in research projects, writing papers
and cases. These activities provide an opportunity for
teachers to engage in ‘exploratory’ learning by which
teachers can develop innovative practices with support
from colleagues or outside experts. This learning approach
can lead to both teacher development and school
improvement by helping teachers construct their ‘knowwhy’
knowledge. Importantly, a network of schools and
teachers is necessary for establishing an exploratory
learning approach. This, however, can result in inequality
of learning opportunities for teachers who do not have such
networks, which would ultimately limit the effects of such
a learning approach.

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