APA Style

SUNDARI, Siti. (2002). Improving the second year students' writing skill through pictures at SLTPN 3 Jember . Jember: FKIP-UNEJ.

Chicago Style

SUNDARI, Siti. Improving the second year students' writing skill through pictures at SLTPN 3 Jember. Jember: FKIP-UNEJ, 2002. Text.

MLA Style

SUNDARI, Siti. Improving the second year students' writing skill through pictures at SLTPN 3 Jember. Jember: FKIP-UNEJ, 2002. Text.

Turabian Style

SUNDARI, Siti. Improving the second year students' writing skill through pictures at SLTPN 3 Jember. Jember: FKIP-UNEJ, 2002. Print.