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Frequency-controlled wireless shape memory polymer microactuator for drug delivery application

This paper reports the wireless Shape-Memory-
Polymer actuator operated by external radio frequency
magnetic fields and its application in a drug delivery de-
vice. The actuator is driven by a frequency-sensitive wire-
less resonant heater which is bonded directly to the
Shape-Memory-Polymer and is activated only when the
field frequency is tuned to the resonant frequency of heat-
er. The heater is fabricated using a double-sided Cu-clad
Polyimide with much simpler fabrication steps compared
to previously reported methods. The actuation range of
140 μm as the tip opening distance is achieved at device
temperature 44 °C in 30 s using 0.05 W RF power. A
repeatability test shows that the actuator’s average maxi-
mum displacement is 110 μm and standard deviation of
12 μm. An experiment is conducted to demonstrate drug
release with 5 μL of an acidic solution loaded in the
reservoir and the device is immersed in DI water. The
actuator is successfully operated in water through wireless
activation. The acidic solution is released and diffused in
water with an average release rate of 0.172 μL/min.

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