APA Style

PRAYITNO, Anang Budi. (2001). A Descriptive Study of Writing ability in Describing tourism Objects of The Third Year Students of tourism Departmen of SMKN 1 jember in Academic Year 2000/2001 . Jember: FKIP UNEJ.

Chicago Style

PRAYITNO, Anang Budi. A Descriptive Study of Writing ability in Describing tourism Objects of The Third Year Students of tourism Departmen of SMKN 1 jember in Academic Year 2000/2001. Jember: FKIP UNEJ, 2001. Text.

MLA Style

PRAYITNO, Anang Budi. A Descriptive Study of Writing ability in Describing tourism Objects of The Third Year Students of tourism Departmen of SMKN 1 jember in Academic Year 2000/2001. Jember: FKIP UNEJ, 2001. Text.

Turabian Style

PRAYITNO, Anang Budi. A Descriptive Study of Writing ability in Describing tourism Objects of The Third Year Students of tourism Departmen of SMKN 1 jember in Academic Year 2000/2001. Jember: FKIP UNEJ, 2001. Print.