APA Style

HANIE, Arifuddin. (2007). The Second Year Students' Ability In Using Punctustions In English Texts At SMPN 3 JEMBER In The 2005/2006 Academic Year . Jember: Pend. Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNEJ.

Chicago Style

HANIE, Arifuddin. The Second Year Students' Ability In Using Punctustions In English Texts At SMPN 3 JEMBER In The 2005/2006 Academic Year. Jember: Pend. Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNEJ, 2007. Text.

MLA Style

HANIE, Arifuddin. The Second Year Students' Ability In Using Punctustions In English Texts At SMPN 3 JEMBER In The 2005/2006 Academic Year. Jember: Pend. Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNEJ, 2007. Text.

Turabian Style

HANIE, Arifuddin. The Second Year Students' Ability In Using Punctustions In English Texts At SMPN 3 JEMBER In The 2005/2006 Academic Year. Jember: Pend. Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNEJ, 2007. Print.