APA Style

NINGRUM, Faizah Shofiya. (2020). Chest Physioterapy in Children with Pneumonia: A Literature Review . Jember: F. Keperawatan UNEJ.

Chicago Style

NINGRUM, Faizah Shofiya. Chest Physioterapy in Children with Pneumonia: A Literature Review. Jember: F. Keperawatan UNEJ, 2020. Text.

MLA Style

NINGRUM, Faizah Shofiya. Chest Physioterapy in Children with Pneumonia: A Literature Review. Jember: F. Keperawatan UNEJ, 2020. Text.

Turabian Style

NINGRUM, Faizah Shofiya. Chest Physioterapy in Children with Pneumonia: A Literature Review. Jember: F. Keperawatan UNEJ, 2020. Print.