APA Style

WIRAWAN, HF. (2020). The Effectiveness of Madurese Culture Wisdom on Science Learning Sound Material in Primary School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills . Jember: FKIP UNEJ.

Chicago Style

WIRAWAN, HF. The Effectiveness of Madurese Culture Wisdom on Science Learning Sound Material in Primary School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills. Jember: FKIP UNEJ, 2020. Text.

MLA Style

WIRAWAN, HF. The Effectiveness of Madurese Culture Wisdom on Science Learning Sound Material in Primary School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills. Jember: FKIP UNEJ, 2020. Text.

Turabian Style

WIRAWAN, HF. The Effectiveness of Madurese Culture Wisdom on Science Learning Sound Material in Primary School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills. Jember: FKIP UNEJ, 2020. Print.