APA Style

KRAUSE, Neal, PARGAMENT, Kenneth I., IRONSON, Gail. (). Assessing the relationships among spiritual social support, stress, and anxiety: Does extraversion also play a role in the coping process? . : .

Chicago Style

KRAUSE, Neal, PARGAMENT, Kenneth I., IRONSON, Gail. Assessing the relationships among spiritual social support, stress, and anxiety: Does extraversion also play a role in the coping process?. : , . Text.

MLA Style

KRAUSE, Neal, PARGAMENT, Kenneth I., IRONSON, Gail. Assessing the relationships among spiritual social support, stress, and anxiety: Does extraversion also play a role in the coping process?. : , . Text.

Turabian Style

KRAUSE, Neal, PARGAMENT, Kenneth I., IRONSON, Gail. Assessing the relationships among spiritual social support, stress, and anxiety: Does extraversion also play a role in the coping process?. : , . Print.