APA Style

EFENDI, Rustam, WILANTARI, Regina Niken, YULIANI, Lilis. (2019). The Impact of Socio-Economic from the Infrastructure Development of Lemahbangdewo West Ring for Communities at Rogojampi District in Banyuwangi Regency . Jember: FEB UNEJ.

Chicago Style

EFENDI, Rustam, WILANTARI, Regina Niken, YULIANI, Lilis. The Impact of Socio-Economic from the Infrastructure Development of Lemahbangdewo West Ring for Communities at Rogojampi District in Banyuwangi Regency. Jember: FEB UNEJ, 2019. Text.

MLA Style

EFENDI, Rustam, WILANTARI, Regina Niken, YULIANI, Lilis. The Impact of Socio-Economic from the Infrastructure Development of Lemahbangdewo West Ring for Communities at Rogojampi District in Banyuwangi Regency. Jember: FEB UNEJ, 2019. Text.

Turabian Style

EFENDI, Rustam, WILANTARI, Regina Niken, YULIANI, Lilis. The Impact of Socio-Economic from the Infrastructure Development of Lemahbangdewo West Ring for Communities at Rogojampi District in Banyuwangi Regency. Jember: FEB UNEJ, 2019. Print.