APA Style

SPECK 1,Jared. (). Shock Formation for 2 D Quasilinear Wave Systems Featuring Multiple Speeds: Blowup for the Fastest Wave, with Non-trivial Interactions up to the Singularity . : .

Chicago Style

SPECK 1,Jared. Shock Formation for 2 D Quasilinear Wave Systems Featuring Multiple Speeds: Blowup for the Fastest Wave, with Non-trivial Interactions up to the Singularity. : , . Text.

MLA Style

SPECK 1,Jared. Shock Formation for 2 D Quasilinear Wave Systems Featuring Multiple Speeds: Blowup for the Fastest Wave, with Non-trivial Interactions up to the Singularity. : , . Text.

Turabian Style

SPECK 1,Jared. Shock Formation for 2 D Quasilinear Wave Systems Featuring Multiple Speeds: Blowup for the Fastest Wave, with Non-trivial Interactions up to the Singularity. : , . Print.