APA Style

WAHYUDI, Rahmad, PUSPITANINGTYAS, Zarah, POERNOMO, Djoko. (2018). Effect of Information Technology, Satisfaction and Motivation to Teacher Performance . Jember: Faculty of social and political sciences.

Chicago Style

WAHYUDI, Rahmad, PUSPITANINGTYAS, Zarah, POERNOMO, Djoko. Effect of Information Technology, Satisfaction and Motivation to Teacher Performance. Jember: Faculty of social and political sciences, 2018. .

MLA Style

WAHYUDI, Rahmad, PUSPITANINGTYAS, Zarah, POERNOMO, Djoko. Effect of Information Technology, Satisfaction and Motivation to Teacher Performance. Jember: Faculty of social and political sciences, 2018. .

Turabian Style

WAHYUDI, Rahmad, PUSPITANINGTYAS, Zarah, POERNOMO, Djoko. Effect of Information Technology, Satisfaction and Motivation to Teacher Performance. Jember: Faculty of social and political sciences, 2018. .