APA Style

GALATA, E., LOANNIDOU, S., PAPAILIOU, M., MAVROMICHALAKI, H., PARAVOLIDAKIS, K., KOUREMETI, M., RENTIFIS, L., SIMANTIRAKIS, E., TRACHANAS, K.. (). Impact of space weather on human heart rate during the years 2011–2013 . : .

Chicago Style

GALATA, E., LOANNIDOU, S., PAPAILIOU, M., MAVROMICHALAKI, H., PARAVOLIDAKIS, K., KOUREMETI, M., RENTIFIS, L., SIMANTIRAKIS, E., TRACHANAS, K.. Impact of space weather on human heart rate during the years 2011–2013. : , . Text.

MLA Style

GALATA, E., LOANNIDOU, S., PAPAILIOU, M., MAVROMICHALAKI, H., PARAVOLIDAKIS, K., KOUREMETI, M., RENTIFIS, L., SIMANTIRAKIS, E., TRACHANAS, K.. Impact of space weather on human heart rate during the years 2011–2013. : , . Text.

Turabian Style

GALATA, E., LOANNIDOU, S., PAPAILIOU, M., MAVROMICHALAKI, H., PARAVOLIDAKIS, K., KOUREMETI, M., RENTIFIS, L., SIMANTIRAKIS, E., TRACHANAS, K.. Impact of space weather on human heart rate during the years 2011–2013. : , . Print.