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Romantic relationship satisfaction, age, course load, satisfaction with income and parental status as predictors of instructors’ burnout: Evidence from a correlational study

ign language instructors’ burnout levels. More spe-
cifically, it aimed to examine whether romantic relationship
satisfaction could predict instructors’ burnout controlling for
age, course load, perception of course load, satisfaction with
income and parental status, and to investigate the predictive
role of these variables. Correlational research design was
employed so as to answer the research questions on three
sub dimensions of burnout. Two hundred thirty four foreign
language instructors working at state and private universities
in Ankara participated in this study. The data were collected
through a personal information sheet, Maslach Burnout
Inventory and Hendrick’s Relationship Assessment Scale,
and descriptive and inferential analyses were conducted using
SPSS 22 (IBM 2013). Results of the hierarchical regression
analyses indicated that emotional exhaustion levels of lan-
guage instructors could be significantly predicted by their ro-
mantic relationship satisfaction, course load, perception of
course load and satisfaction with income whereas age and
parental status were not significant predictors of emotional
exhaustion. As for depersonalization levels, except course
load, all variables in the model made significant contribution
to the prediction equation, which was proven significant with
a smaller variance compared to emotional exhaustion. The
third subscale of burnout, personal accomplishment, was significantly predicted merely by satisfaction with income
and parental status. Results revealed the fact that the group
of variables having predicted each subscale of burnout signif-
icantly was different, which indicate the necessity to research
this elaborate phenomenon further to help prevent burnout
among academic staff.

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