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Multiyear Observations of Deposition-Mode Ice Nucleating Particles at Two High-Altitude Stations in India

Ice nucleating particle (INP) measurements were made at two high-altitude stations in India. Aerosols collected on filter
paper at Girawali Observatory, Inter University Center for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IGO), and at the Radio Astronomy
Center, Ooty (RAC), were activated in deposition mode using a thermal gradient diffusion chamber to determine the INP
concentrations. The measurement campaigns at IGO were conducted during 2011, 2013 and 2014, and at RAC during 2013
and 2014. When the aerosol samples were exposed to an ice supersaturation of between 5% and 23% in the temperature
range −17.6◦C to −22◦C, the maximum INP number concentration at IGO and RAC was 1.0 L−1 and 1.6 L−1, respectively.
A maximum correlation coefficient of 0.76 was observed between the INP number concentration and ice supersaturation. The
airmass trajectories analyzed for the measurement campaigns showed that the Arabian Desert and arid regions were the main
INP contributors. Elemental analysis of particles showed the presence of Na, Cl, Si, Al, Fe, Cu, Co, Cd, S, Mn and K, as well
as some rare-Earth elements like Mo, Ru, La, Ce, V and Zr. When aerosols in the size range 0.5–20 μm were considered, the
fraction that acted as INPs was 1 : 104 to 1 : 106 at IGO, and 1 : 103 to 1 : 104 at RAC. The higher ratio of INPs to aerosols
at RAC than IGO may be attributable to the presence of rare-Earth elements observed in the aerosol samples at RAC, which
were absent at IGO.

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